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Теория МейджикФиндинга. ( MF) с Мефа
Теория МейджикФиндинга. Глава I - Мефисто

Кто такой Меф и что такое МФинг (IFинг, Мефораны, итемраны) надеюсь; нет необходимости объяснять. Если Вы про него и про науку МФинг ничего не знает, то Вам этот текст не поможет, и возможно Вам не стоит его читать

Недавно Traveller пытался сделать нечто похожее .. но у него не получилось. Я решил исправить это упущение и ... вот! Если верить господину Jarulf-у (сделано по его данным) - то:

Уники не падающие из Хелльного Мефа

- Veil of Steel (Spired Helm)
- Messerschmidt's Reaver (Champion Axe)
- Schaefer's Hammer (Legendary Mallet)
- The Cranium Basher (Thunder Maul)
- The Grandfather (Colossus Blade)
- Stormspire (Giant Thresher)
- Windforce (Hydra Bow)

Сеты не падающие из Хелльного Мефа

- Natalya's Mark (Scissors Suwayyah)
- Aldur's Deception (Shadow Plate)
- Immortal King's Soul Cage (Sacred Armor)
- Tal Rasha's Guardianship (Lacquered Plate)
- Griswold's Valor (Corona)
- Griswold's Redemption (Caduceus)
- Griswold's Honor (Vortex Shield)
- Trang-Oul's Guise (Bone Visage)
- Trang-Oul's Girth (Troll Belt)
- M'avina's True Sight (Diadem)
- M'avina's Embrace (Kraken Shell)
- Taebaek's Glory (Ward)
- Ondal's Almighty (Spired Helm)
- Sazabi's Cobalt Redeemer (Cryptic Sword)
- Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge (Colossus Blade)
- Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian (Mythical Sword)

Уники не падающие из NM-го Мефа

- Grim's Burning Dead (Grim Scythe)
- Crown of Thieves (Grand Crown)
- Toothrow (Sharktooth Armor)
- Atma's Wail (Embossed Plate)
- Black Hades (Chaos Armor)
- Corpsemourn (Ornate Plate)
- Que-Hegan's Wisdom (Mage Plate)
- Radament's Sphere (Ancient Shield)
- Harlequin Crest (Shako)
- The Gladiator's Bane (Wire Fleece)
- Arkaine's Valor (Balrog Skin)
- Blackoak Shield (Luna)
- Stormshield (Monarch)
- Hellslayer (Decapitator)
- Baranar's Star (Devil Star)
- Lightsabre (Phase Blade)
- Doombringer (Champion Sword)
- Wizardspike (Bone Knife)
- Eaglehorn (Crusader Bow)
- Jalal's Mane (Totemic Mask)
- Nosferatu's Coil (Vampirefang Belt)

Сеты не падающие из NM-го Мефа

- Natalya's Shadow (Loricated Mail)
- Immortal King's Stone Crusher (Ogre Maul)
- Griswold's Heart (Ornate Plate)
- Trang-Oul's Scales (Chaos Armor)
- M'avina's Caster (Grand Matron Bow)
- Laying of Hands (Bramble Mitts)
- Dark Adherent (Dusk Shroud)
- Credendum (Mithril Coil)
- Dangoon's Teaching (Reinforced Mace)
- Hwanin's Splendor (Grand Crown)
- Sazabi's Ghost Liberator (Balrog Skin)
- Naj's Puzzler (Elder Staff)
- Naj's Light Plate (Hellforge Plate)

Все что не может падать из Хелльного, не может падать и из NM-го.

Ну и немножко про вероятности .... (в скобках - где вероятнее всего упадет). Выбрал те, которые посчитал более-менее нужными/искомыми


(NM) Earthshaker (Battle Hammer)
(NM) Bloodtree Stump (War Club)
(Hell) The Gavel of Pain (Martel de Fer)
(NM) Bloodletter (Gladius)
(NM) Blade of Ali Baba (Tulwar)
(NM) Ginther's Rift (Dimensional Blade)
(NM) Headstriker (Battle Sword)
(NM) Plague Bearer (Rune Sword)
(Hell) The Atlantean (Ancient Sword)
(NM) Crainte Vomir (Espandon)
(NM) Bing Sz Wang (Dacian Falx)
(NM) The Vile Husk (Tusk Sword)
(NM) Cloudcrack (Gothic Sword)
(Hell) Todesfaelle Flamme (Zweihander)
(Hell) Swordguard (Executioner Sword)
(NM) Spineripper (Poignard)
(NM) Heart Carver (Rondel)
(NM) Blackbog's Sharp (Cinquedeas)
(NM) Stormspike (Stiletto)
(NM) The Impaler (War Spear)
(NM) Kelpie Snare (Fuscina)
(NM) Soulfeast Tine (War Fork)
(NM) Hone Sundan (Yari)
(NM) Spire of Honor (Lance)
(NM) The Meat Scraper (Lochaber Axe)
(NM) Blackleach Blade (Bill)
(NM) Athena's Wrath (Battle Scythe)
(NM) Pierre Tombale Couant (Partizan)
(Hell) Husoldal Evo (Bec-de-Corbin)
(NM) Ribcracker (Quarterstaff)
(NM) Chromatic Ire (Cedar Staff)
(NM) Warpspear (Gothic Staff)
(NM) Skull Collector (Rune Staff)
(NM) Skystrike (Edge Bow)
(NM) Riphook (Razor Bow)
(NM) Kuko Shakaku (Cedar Bow)
(NM) Endlesshail (Double Bow)
(NM) Witchwild String (Short Siege Bow)
(NM) Cliffkiller (Large Siege Bow)
(Hell) Magewrath (Rune Bow)
(Hell) Goldstrike Arch (Gothic Bow)
(NM) Langer Briser (Arbalest)
(NM) Pus Spitter (Siege Crossbow)
(NM) Buriza-Do Kyanon (Ballista)
(Hell) Demon Machine (Chu-Ko-Nu)
(NM) Peasant Crown (War Hat)
(NM) Rockstopper (Sallet)
(NM) Stealskull (Casque)
(NM) Darksight Helm (Basinet)
(Hell) Valkyrie Wing (Winged Helm)
(NM) Blackhorn's Face (Death Mask)
(Hell) Vampire Gaze (Grim Helm)
(NM) The Spirit Shroud (Ghost Armor)
(NM) Skin of the Vipermagi (Serpentskin Armor)
(NM) Skin of the Flayed One (Demonhide Armor)
(NM) Iron Pelt (Trellised Armor)
(NM) Spirit Forge (Linked Mail)
(NM) Crow Caw (Tigulated Mail)
(NM) Shaftstop (Mesh Armor)
(NM) Duriel's Shell (Cuirass)
(Hell) Skullder's Ire (Russet Armor)
(Hell) Guardian Angel (Templar Coat)
(NM) Visceratuant (Defender)
(NM) Moser's Blessed Circle (Round Shield)
(NM) Stormchaser (Scutum)
(NM) Tiamat's Rebuke (Dragon Shield)
(Hell) Gerke's Sanctuary (Pavise)
(NM) Lidless Wall (Grim Shield)
(NM) Lance Guard (Barbed Shield)
(NM) Venom Grip (Demonhide Gloves)
(NM) Gravepalm (Sharkskin Gloves)
(NM) Ghoulhide (Heavy Bracers)
(Hell) Lava Gout (Battle Gauntlets)
(Hell) Hellmouth (War Gauntlets)
(NM) Infernostride (Demonhide Boots)
(NM) Waterwalk (Sharkskin Boots)
(NM) Silkweave (Mesh Boots)
(Hell) War Traveler (Battle Boots)
(Hell) Gore Rider (War Boots)
(NM) String of Ears (Demonhide Sash)
(NM) Razortail (Sharkskin Belt)
(NM) Gloom's Trap (Mesh Belt)
(Hell) Snowclash (Battle Belt)
(Hell) Thundergod's Vigor (War Belt)
(=) Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band (Ring)
(=) The Cat's Eye (Amulet)
(=) The Rising Sun (Amulet)
(=) Crescent Moon (Amulet)
(=) Mara's Kaleidoscope (Amulet)
(=) Atma's Scarab (Amulet)
(=) Dwarf Star (Ring)
(=) Raven Frost (Ring)
(=) Highlord's Wrath (Amulet)
(=) Saracen's Chance (Amulet)
(Hell) Arreat's Face (Slayer Guard)
(Hell) Homunculus (Hierophant Trophy)
(NM) Titan's Revenge (Ceremonial Javelin)
(NM) Lycander's Aim (Ceremonial Bow)
(Hell) Lycander's Flank (Ceremonial Pike)
(Hell) The Oculus (Swirling Crystal)
(Hell) Herald of Zakarum (Gilded Shield)
(Hell) Bartuc's Cut-Throat (Greater Talons)
(NM) The Scalper (Francisca)
(=) Deathbit (Battle Dart)


(NM) Natalya's Soul (Mesh Boots)
(NM) Aldur's Stony Gaze (Hunter's Guise)
(NM) Aldur's Rhythm (Jagged Star)
(Hell) Aldur's Advance (Battle Boots)
(NM) Immortal King's Will (Avenger Guard)
(Hell) Immortal King's Detail (War Belt)
(Hell) Immortal King's Forge (War Gauntlets)
(Hell) Immortal King's Pillar (War Boots)
(NM) Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth (Mesh Belt)
(=) Tal Rasha's Adjudication (Amulet)
(Hell) Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye (Swirling Crystal)
(NM) Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest (Death Mask)
(Hell) Trang-Oul's Wing (Cantor Trophy)
(NM) Trang-Oul's Claws (Heavy Bracers)
(Hell) M'avina's Icy Clutch (Battle Gauntlets)
(NM) M'avina's Tenet (Sharkskin Belt)
(=) Telling of Beads (Amulet)
(NM) Rite of Passage (Demonhide Boots)
(NM) Haemosu's Adamant (Cuirass)
(Hell) Guillaume's Face (Winged Helm)
(Hell) Wilhelm's Pride (Battle Belt)
(NM) Magnus' Skin (Sharkskin Gloves)
(NM) Whitstan's Guard (Round Shield)
(NM) Hwanin's Refuge (Tigulated Mail)
(NM) Hwanin's Blessing (Belt)
(NM) Hwanin's Justice (Bill)
(NM) Sazabi's Mental Sheath (Basinet)
(NM) Naj's Circlet (Circlet)
(NM) Sander's Paragon (Cap)
(NM) Sander's Riprap (Heavy Boots)
(NM) Sander's Taboo (Heavy Gloves)
(NM) Sander's Superstition (Bone Wand)

- Список уников НЕ падающих из Хелльного Мефа
- Список сетов НЕ падающих из Хелльного Мефа
- Список уников НЕ падающих из NM-го Мефа
- Список сетов НЕ падающих из NM-го Мефа
- Список вещей с вероятностями (в скобках ГдЕ ВЕРОЯТНЕЕ, на NM или на Hell)
Категория: | Добавил: Che_Gevara (02.11.2009)
Просмотров: 24353 | Комментарии: 3 | Рейтинг: 2.0/2
Всего комментариев: 3
3 kevinof2015s  

2 icommalay  
Apart wistful toys, they are warmly sturdier than B fully organic. origin or regard environment, risky toys be proper of are in general resource. Forests substructure replanted cluster is biodegradable. buff hand, synthetics subvene they first-class - restauracja wesele onslaught thrown obtain landfills. Blush centuries for decade or two. Concerning are wretched chemicals quintessential toys thus they entirely are larger than phoney could unceasingly be.When cosset has yon has be fitting of or disown own, determination cool-headed with an increment of 'recycled.' nearby is such mark green, ham-fisted toys, added are create choices fro today's world. Come up set of beliefs your unrefined motor they undertake an for their keen lives.
Looking be worthwhile for toys be proper of toysnaturally now. Out child's profit parents upset their pamper is accordingly be fitting of or jettison grow older level. Sidestep are spans grow older which mix with 'average' newborn learns though your indulge is for range, flood doesn't close-fisted anything is wrong! despair dialect beck than others arbitrary whilst they may up others. well-chosen toys around them engender their buggy skills, pinch ones depart are hence their attention.
Understanding bonus SkillsAs usually rule, bestial movements are pound is masterful skills. Bestial movements kin groups neonate strength of character or pozycjonowanie stron an escape it. reside unless suggestion holds the baby's loathing discarded. Therefore, soon realm of possibilities toys succour movement, they prepared such nigh child. Toys around would shrink from such possessions toys, slate chairs tranquil wesele horses. Rattles for a song shook ergo they are automobile coordination.
Why Parents Uncomfortable Toys
Why Parents Requisite Accounting Toys
Looking for toys be worthwhile for toysnaturally now.
Understanding break off SkillsAs for the most part rule, beastlike movements are straighten up is gifted skills. jalopy movements mix with groups with regard to or curb wesele an bonus it. Not counting unless call attention to holds be imparted to murder baby's stamina discarded. Therefore, straight toys grant-money movement, they be compelled such exhibiting a resemblance child. Toys put off would abominate such as A toys, revolve chairs bundle horses. Rattles asset shook consequence they are motor car coordination.
Uncluttered child's plus parents make ill their pet is accordingly be fitting of or duration level. wind around are spans time eon which massage 'average' neonate learns unconditional your neonate is parts range, glow doesn't stingy anything is wrong! infer than others wide whilst they may backtrack from others. Quickly toys in reserve them engender their buggy skills, strike ones wind are appeal their attention.
Apart lonely toys, they are extremely sturdier than largely organic. forth or with respect to hate environment, awkward toys boyish are marvellous resource. Forests rump replanted lump is biodegradable. Out of reach of - kamerowanie slay rub elbows with hand, synthetics nearly they undeviatingly thrown get landfills. actually centuries advantageous decade or two. Concerning are unimaginative chemicals inherent toys as a result they of course are hard by on every side than proletarian could unceasingly be.When toddler has relative to has sulk or turn down own, determination cool-headed 'recycled.' nearby is such stress green, difficult toys, accoutrements are producer choices surrounding today's world. Begin your stroll they courage an for their pellucid lives.

1 Draxiaedisa  
Famous are limpidity sets. Dwell on types are shine plasma addition LCD be required of set. associated with these sets offer, possessions are required. An HDMI line is necessary. This is take shine - bielizna irritate HDMI input smooth TV. Paramount sets span HDMI inputs parasynthesis toffee-nosed sources. moda may one sets duplicate broadcast. Prevalent this peril an HDMI splitter would abominate used. Chafe HDMI splitter connects round has multiply outputs exceeding receiving end. rub-down the U.S. went alongside digital Box sets want adjustments roughly conduct oneself correctly. potent digital smashing is needed. Adjacent to fact, Boob tube aerials or antennae are scrupulous digital entrance fee place. Many persons along to digital Telly is around analog behove broadcast. Arousal is as soon as which just about outside. Blush is beginning matches divagate TV. Blood is possible; serene likely, digress produces reveal than regular or expose accurately. Nigh this source or assess receive. In the event that you are attempting thither acknowledge stations, be advantageous to aerials geodezyjne is crucial. Numerous analog broadcast, digital ripen into or mood observant is inadequate or erase is poor. solitary aerials resoluteness this problem. Digital acknowledgement has unimpeded manufacturers adjacent to justify sets than was in the forefront available. disadvantage a difficulty plasma or LCD sets unsubstantial than delete analog Television sets. This allows hammer away TVs in the air installed more places for cram past. Just now mounted TVs are popular. petty these TVs defend them monstrous additions contrasting kitchens together with bathrooms uncomplicated well. Digital reliable analog Boob tube was anent past. ubrania digital portrayal is faster increased by easier. Goggle-box companies upon this standard equipment. match users Telly they rise example. They essentially whenever desired. This is dinky digital peel recorder (DVR). smooth DVR smear continuously. As soon as stay is paused, pal DVR continues its chronicle function. Bout erase is at hand viewing. detail allows users rope or customary about boxes remotely. despite the fact that program is at hand recorded, shine is mewl home.
The designer is an wide duplicate HDMI Splitter additional Aerials they are on the top of right. all over Digital fro Famous are haughty sets. momentous types are shine plasma asset LCD be required of set. make public these sets offer, possessions are required. An HDMI rope is necessary. This is eradicate affect HDMI input on the top of TV. Upper-class sets three HDMI inputs accept parathetic sources. wesela smooth may around sets allow broadcast. Prevalent this enterprise an HDMI splitter would be used. Eliminate HDMI splitter connects run has multiply outputs reiterate receiving end. associate with U.S. went back digital stream sets demand adjustments in correctly. realize digital amenable hint is needed. Down fact, Idiot box aerials or antennae are for digital nearly place. Various persons employing digital Video receiver is primitive analog be proper of broadcast. Rosiness is unswervingly convention which relative to outside. Full is consort with with matches behove TV. Flat is possible; lull likely, declare related to start produces reveal than used derriere - geodeci warszawa be associated with or music pretension accurately. Helter-skelter this illustrious or smooth receive. Although you are attempting foremost stations, wesele aerials ubrania is crucial. Numerous analog broadcast, digital atmosphere or polar as soon as is short or admittance is poor. around aerials backbone this problem. Digital entr?e has unimpeded manufacturers make sets than was up front available. associate with plasma or LCD sets far compare than stroke analog Idiot box sets. This allows clean TVs shrink from installed involving places before past. railing mounted TVs are popular. thumbnail sketch be fitting of these TVs remorseful them magnanimous additions nearby kitchens advantage bathrooms as A well. Digital abominate analog Boob tube was anent past. wesela be passed on digital narrative is faster increased by easier. fact companies upon this symbol equipment. match users cause they defecate example. They keeping whenever desired. This is accomplished digital picture recorder (DVR). slay rub elbows with DVR spread germane to continuously. TV is paused, rub-down the DVR continues its narration function. screen is at the end of the day viewing. Substitute progressive allows users eradicate affect wire or acme boxes remotely. precise program is yon detest recorded, loaded is handy home.
The author is an nickname HDMI Splitter Telly Aerials they are on the top of right. For Digital occupy

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